
Is the project still working?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

kekec commented


I have downloaded the project and started it. Somehow the script tells me there are no sites available.

python --start-date 2023-05-03 --end-date 2023-05-11 --parks 234015

But looking at the website for pinnacles there should be some open spots.


Is there something wrong?


banool commented

I don't quite have time to look at this right now, but I'd appreciate a community PR to fix this if it is indeed a legit issue.

drewcm commented

@kekec the command you provided is looking for a single campsite that is available for all dates between 05/03/23 and 05/11/23. The screenshot you provided does not show a campsite that is available for all those dates.

Multi-day reservations work when I try it, after reviewing to verify availability for these dates:

python --start-date 2023-05-18 --end-date 2023-05-21 --parks 234015
there are campsites available from 2023-05-18 to 2023-05-21!!!
🏕 PINNACLES CAMPGROUND (234015): 1 site(s) available out of 134 site(s)

I think this ticket should be closed out.