
why a vec? why not a fixed size array?

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buf: RefCell<Vec>,

/// tracks how much encrypted data is left in the reader

bytes_in_reader: RefCell,

/// buf_ptr tracks the current position in the buffer- where to start reading decrypted data from

buf_ptr: RefCell,

/// bytes_in_buffer tracks how many bytes are in the buffer- it may not always be full

bytes_in_buffer: RefCell,

/// Writer to another file

reader: RefCell,

/// Decryptor. This stores the key

decryptor: RefCell<Decryptor<Aes256Gcm, StreamBE32>>,

/// Counter of bytes read from this struct's read() method

bytes_read: RefCell,

/// buffer to eventually put the tag into

tag_buf: RefCell<[u8; TAG_SIZE]>,

/// should we finalize the decryption? this means tag_buf will be filled with the tag and bytes_in_reader will be 0

finalize: RefCell,


/// A wrapper around a reader that decrypts the data as it is written.

impl<R: Read + Unpin + Seek> DecryptionReader {

/// Create a new DecryptionReader.


/// # Arguments

/// reader: The reader to read encrypted data from. should start with the nonce.

/// key_and_nonce: The key and nonce to use for decryption.


/// # Returns

/// A DecryptionReader

pub async fn new(mut reader: R, key_and_nonce: KeyAndNonceToDisk) -> Result {

let KeyAndNonce { key, nonce } = *key_and_nonce.consume_and_prep_from_disk()?;

let cipher = Aes256Gcm::new(&key);

let decryptor = RefCell::new(StreamBE32::from_aead(cipher, &nonce).decryptor());

let file_len =;;

Ok(Self {

buf: RefCell::new(vec![]),

tag_buf: RefCell::new([0; TAG_SIZE]),

bytes_in_reader: RefCell::new(file_len as usize - TAG_SIZE),

bytes_in_buffer: RefCell::new(0),

buf_ptr: RefCell::new(0),

reader: reader.into(),


bytes_read: RefCell::new(0),

finalize: RefCell::new(false),



/// Read from the Reader into the buffer, decrypting it in place.

pub async fn refresh_buffer(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<()> {

println!("Refreshing buffer");

// Borrow the mutable references to the fields we need

let mut buf = self.buf.borrow_mut();

let mut reader = self.reader.borrow_mut();

let mut decryptor = self.decryptor.borrow_mut();

let mut buf_ptr = self.buf_ptr.borrow_mut();

let mut bytes_in_buffer = self.bytes_in_buffer.borrow_mut();

let mut bytes_in_reader = self.bytes_in_reader.borrow_mut();

// Assert that our internal buffer is empty

assert_eq!(*buf_ptr, *bytes_in_buffer);

// Clear the buffer and reset size


buf.resize(BUF_SIZE, 0);

println!("Buffer size: {}", buf.len());

// Read from the reader into the buffer

let new_bytes_read = *buf)?;

println!("Read {} bytes", new_bytes_read);

if new_bytes_read >= *bytes_in_reader {

println!("Finalizing decryption");

// let's get the tag.

// there may be some tag bytes in the buffer, but maybe not all of them.

// we need to read the rest of any of them from the reader.

let mut tag_buf = self.tag_buf.borrow_mut();

// get the tag bytes out of the buffer

tag_buf[..new_bytes_read - *bytes_in_reader].copy_from_slice(&buf[*bytes_in_reader..new_bytes_read]);

// zero that part of the buffer


// read the rest of the tag from the reader

reader.read_exact(&mut tag_buf[new_bytes_read - *bytes_in_reader..])?;

// set buf_ptr

*buf_ptr = 0;

// set bytes_in_buffer

*bytes_in_buffer = *bytes_in_reader;

// in this case, the last 16 bytes we read are the tag

*bytes_in_reader = 0;

// set the finalize flag

*self.finalize.borrow_mut() = true;

} else {

// Otherwise, there's more data to decrypt

*bytes_in_reader -= new_bytes_read;

// set buf_ptr

*buf_ptr = 0;

// set bytes_in_buffer

*bytes_in_buffer = new_bytes_read;


// if we got anything, decrypt it

if *bytes_in_buffer > 0 {

// use crate::crypto_tools::key_and_nonce_types::{BUF_SIZE, KeyAndNonce, KeyAndNonceToDisk, TAG_SIZE};
// use aead::stream::{Decryptor, NewStream, StreamBE32, StreamPrimitive};
// use aes_gcm::{Aes256Gcm, KeyInit};
// use anyhow::{anyhow, Result};
// use futures::executor;
// use std::cell::RefCell;
// use std::io::{Cursor, ErrorKind, Read, Seek, SeekFrom, Write};
// use std::pin::Pin;
// /// A wrapper around a writer that encrypts the data as it is written.
// /// Should not be used on files larger than 32 GB.
// pub struct DecryptionReader<R: Read + Unpin+ Seek> {
//     /// Internal buffer, holds data from disk and decrypts it in place
//     /// // TODO why a vec? why not a fixed size array?
//     buf: RefCell<Vec<u8>>,
//     /// tracks how much encrypted data is left in the reader
//     bytes_in_reader: RefCell<usize>,
//     /// buf_ptr tracks the current position in the buffer- where to start reading decrypted data from
//     buf_ptr: RefCell<usize>,
//     /// bytes_in_buffer tracks how many bytes are in the buffer- it may not always be full
//     bytes_in_buffer: RefCell<usize>,
//     /// Writer to another file
//     reader: RefCell<R>,
//     /// Decryptor. This stores the key
//     decryptor: RefCell<Decryptor<Aes256Gcm, StreamBE32<Aes256Gcm>>>,
//     /// Counter of bytes read from this struct's read() method
//     bytes_read: RefCell<usize>,
//     /// buffer to eventually put the tag into
//     tag_buf: RefCell<[u8; TAG_SIZE]>,
//     /// should we finalize the decryption? this means tag_buf will be filled with the tag and bytes_in_reader will be 0
//     finalize: RefCell<bool>,
// }
// /// A wrapper around a reader that decrypts the data as it is written.
// impl<R: Read + Unpin + Seek> DecryptionReader<R> {
//     /// Create a new DecryptionReader.
//     ///
//     /// # Arguments
//     /// reader: The reader to read encrypted data from. should start with the nonce.
//     /// key_and_nonce: The key and nonce to use for decryption.
//     ///
//     /// # Returns
//     /// A DecryptionReader
//     pub async fn new(mut reader: R, key_and_nonce: KeyAndNonceToDisk) -> Result<Self> {
//         let KeyAndNonce { key, nonce } = *key_and_nonce.consume_and_prep_from_disk()?;
//         let cipher = Aes256Gcm::new(&key);
//         let decryptor = RefCell::new(StreamBE32::from_aead(cipher, &nonce).decryptor());
//         let file_len =;
//         Ok(Self {
//             buf: RefCell::new(vec![]),
//             tag_buf: RefCell::new([0; TAG_SIZE]),
//             bytes_in_reader: RefCell::new(file_len as usize - TAG_SIZE),
//             bytes_in_buffer: RefCell::new(0),
//             buf_ptr: RefCell::new(0),
//             reader: reader.into(),
//             decryptor,
//             bytes_read: RefCell::new(0),
//             finalize: RefCell::new(false),
//         })
//     }
//     /// Read from the Reader into the buffer, decrypting it in place.
//     pub async fn refresh_buffer(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<()> {
//         println!("Refreshing buffer");
//         // Borrow the mutable references to the fields we need
//         let mut buf = self.buf.borrow_mut();
//         let mut reader = self.reader.borrow_mut();
//         let mut decryptor = self.decryptor.borrow_mut();
//         let mut buf_ptr = self.buf_ptr.borrow_mut();
//         let mut bytes_in_buffer = self.bytes_in_buffer.borrow_mut();
//         let mut bytes_in_reader = self.bytes_in_reader.borrow_mut();
//         // Assert that our internal buffer is empty
//         assert_eq!(*buf_ptr, *bytes_in_buffer);
//         // Clear the buffer and reset size
//         buf.clear();
//         buf.resize(BUF_SIZE, 0);
//         println!("Buffer size: {}", buf.len());
//         // Read from the reader into the buffer
//         let new_bytes_read = *buf)?;
//         println!("Read {} bytes", new_bytes_read);
//         if new_bytes_read >= *bytes_in_reader {
//             println!("Finalizing decryption");
//             // let's get the tag.
//             // there may be some tag bytes in the buffer, but maybe not all of them.
//             // we need to read the rest of any of them from the reader.
//             let mut tag_buf = self.tag_buf.borrow_mut();
//             // get the tag bytes out of the buffer
//             tag_buf[..new_bytes_read - *bytes_in_reader].copy_from_slice(&buf[*bytes_in_reader..new_bytes_read]);
//             // zero that part of the buffer
//             buf[*bytes_in_reader..new_bytes_read].fill(0);
//             // read the rest of the tag from the reader
//             reader.read_exact(&mut tag_buf[new_bytes_read - *bytes_in_reader..])?;
//             // set buf_ptr
//             *buf_ptr = 0;
//             // set bytes_in_buffer
//             *bytes_in_buffer = *bytes_in_reader;
//             // in this case, the last 16 bytes we read are the tag
//             *bytes_in_reader = 0;
//             // set the finalize flag
//             *self.finalize.borrow_mut() = true;
//         } else {
//             // Otherwise, there's more data to decrypt
//             *bytes_in_reader -= new_bytes_read;
//             // set buf_ptr
//             *buf_ptr = 0;
//             // set bytes_in_buffer
//             *bytes_in_buffer = new_bytes_read;
//         }
//         // if we got anything, decrypt it
//         if *bytes_in_buffer > 0 {
//             // TODO laudiacay i think this copies
//             let mut buf_to_decrypt=  buf[..*bytes_in_buffer].to_vec();
//             // Decrypt the buffer in place
//             (*decryptor)
//                 .decrypt_next_in_place(b"".as_ref(), &mut buf_to_decrypt)
//                 .map_err(|_| {
//                     std::io::Error::new(ErrorKind::Other, anyhow!("Error decrypting block!"))
//                 })?;
//         };
//         Ok(())
//     }
//     pub async fn finish(self) -> Result<usize> {
//         assert_eq!(self.bytes_in_reader.borrow().clone(), 0);
//         assert_eq!(self.finalize.borrow().clone(), true);
//         assert_eq!(self.bytes_in_buffer.borrow().clone(), self.buf_ptr.borrow().clone());
//         // decrypt_next_in_place
//         self.decryptor
//             .into_inner()
//             .decrypt_next_in_place(b"".as_ref(), self.buf.borrow_mut())
//             .map_err(|_| anyhow!("Error decrypting last block"))?;
//         // TODO maybe add a sanity check for bytes_read!
//         self.decryptor
//             .into_inner()
//             .decrypt_last_in_place(b"".as_ref(), &mut self.tag_buf.borrow().to_vec())
//             .map_err(|_| anyhow!("Error decrypting last block"))?;
//         Ok(*self.bytes_read.borrow_mut())
//     }
//     pub fn cipher_info(&self) -> String {
//         "AES-256-GCM".to_string()
//     }
// }
// /// Implement the Read trait for DecryptionReader.
// impl<R: Read + Unpin + Seek> Read for DecryptionReader<R> {
//     /// Read from the DecryptionReader into a buffer.
//     fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> std::io::Result<usize> {
//         // Determine how many bytes can read into the buffer
//         let buf_len = buf.len();
//         let mut bytes_to_read = buf_len;
//         // Declare a cursor to write into the buffer
//         let mut buf_cursor = Cursor::new(buf);
//         // Create a new pin to borrow the fields we need
//         let mut self_pin = Pin::new(&mut *self);
//         // Read as many bytes as we can into the buffer
//         println!("made it");
//         while bytes_to_read > 0 && !self_pin.finalize.borrow().clone() {
//             println!("made it 2");
//             // There's still bytes to read, and we're not at the end of the file
//             // Determine how many bytes are available in the internal buffer
//             let bytes_available = *self_pin.bytes_in_buffer.borrow() - *self_pin.buf_ptr.borrow();
//             // If there's more to read than there's space available, read the space available
//             println!("bytes available: {}", bytes_available);
//             if bytes_available >= bytes_to_read {
//                 {
//                     println!("we should not be here");
//                     let buf_ptr = self_pin.buf_ptr.borrow();
//                     // Copy the bytes that can be read into the output buffer
//                     buf_cursor
//                         .write_all(&self_pin.buf.borrow()[*buf_ptr..*buf_ptr + bytes_to_read])?;
//                     // Move the buffer pointer to where we left off
//                     *self_pin.buf_ptr.borrow_mut() += bytes_to_read;
//                     // We've read all the bytes we can read
//                     bytes_to_read = 0;
//                 }
//             }
//             // Otherwise, read the bytes available
//             else {
//                 println!("we should be here");
//                 // Do we need to write if bytes_available == 0?
//                 {
//                     let mut buf_ptr = self_pin.buf_ptr.borrow_mut();
//                     // Copy all available bytes from the internal buffer into the output buffer
//                     buf_cursor
//                         .write_all(&self_pin.buf.borrow()[*buf_ptr..*buf_ptr + bytes_available])?;
//                     // Update the buffer pointer (it should now be at the end of the buffer, == bytes_in_buffer)
//                     *buf_ptr += bytes_available;
//                     // Update the number of bytes we still need to read
//                     bytes_to_read -= bytes_available;
//                     println!("state check: {}", bytes_to_read);
//                     println!("state check: {}", bytes_available);
//                     println!("state check: {}", *buf_ptr);
//                 }
//                 // Refresh the internal buffer with decrypted data
//                 // TODO block_on considered harmful
//                 executor::block_on(self_pin.refresh_buffer())?;
//             }
//         }
//         // Get the buffer back from the cursor
//         Ok(buf_len - bytes_to_read)
//     }
// }
// // TODO (xBalbinus & thea-exe): Our inline tests
// #[cfg(test)]
// mod test {
//     use aead::Payload;
//     use aead::stream::{NewStream, StreamBE32, StreamPrimitive};
//     use aes_gcm::KeyInit;
//     use crate::crypto_tools::key_and_nonce_types::KeyAndNonce;
//     #[tokio::test]
//     /// Test that we can decrypt-read some random piece of data with a random key and nonce without
//     /// panicking
//     async fn test() {
//         use super::DecryptionReader;
//         use crate::crypto_tools::key_and_nonce_types::{keygen, KeyAndNonceToDisk};
//         use aes_gcm::aes::cipher::crypto_common::rand_core::{OsRng, RngCore};
//         use std::io::{Cursor, Read};
//         // generate a random key and nonce
//         let keygen @ KeyAndNonce {key, nonce} = keygen();
//         // generate an all-zero piece of data in a 1kb buffer and wrap it in a cursor
//         let mut data = vec![0u8; 1024];
//         // encrypt the data
//         let mut enc = StreamBE32::from_aead(aes_gcm::Aes256Gcm::new(&key), &nonce).encryptor();
//         let encrypted = enc.encrypt_last(Payload::from(&*data)).unwrap();
//         // Initialize the Decryption Reader
//         let mut decryption_reader =
//             DecryptionReader::new(Cursor::new(encrypted),  keygen.consume_and_prep_to_disk())
//                 .await
//                 .unwrap();
//         // Try and decrypt the data
//         let mut decrypted_data = vec![1u8; 1024];
// decrypted_data).unwrap();
//         decryption_reader.finish().await.unwrap();
//         // check that decrypted_data is now all zeros
//         assert_eq!(decrypted_data, vec![0u8; 1024]);
//     }
// }