
Programmatically determines as many dependency versions as possible from Electron

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Programmatically determines as many dependency versions as possible from Electron

Programmatic Usage

// Imports as a plain JSON object
const electronDependencies = require('electron-dependencies');
const version = '29.0.0';
const dependencyGraph = electronDependencies[version];
const deps = dependencyGraph.deps;

const ffmpegVersion = deps.chromium.deps.ffmpeg.version
const ffmpegUrl = deps.chromium.deps.ffmpeg.url

Build Requirements (runs during install)

This repo depends on python 3.x available on the system while downloading data from the Chromium repository to determine dependencies.

Generating version lists (only within this project, not as a library)

yarn run listversions 20.0.0-beta.1

If you wish to see the source repos and more debug info, add --verbose to the call.

If you wish to output in yaml-like format, use --yaml