improvements with the addition of trailer features, genres, and movie release reminders
muhammadarif1 opened this issue · 0 comments
hey i have some nicely idea to your project
flickoff is an application that works to find out both movies that are currently running and those that will be released soon. This application allows users to find the movie they want to watch from the data based on tmdb.penguna do not have to sign up or log in to be able to access this application. light other than this application is also very easy to use by the user.
- popular: this is a function that will show users about movies that are currently popular
- top rated: is a function that will display high and top rated movies from all years.
- upcoming: is a function that will display the movie that will be released in the cinema.
- now playing: is a feature that will show films that are currently playing in theaters.
- search: is a feature that will make it easier for users to search for films that users want.
Proposal Description
I have several proposals that might be added in this application to allow users to be more interested and comfortable when using this application. Here are some ideas that occurred when I used this application.
This is a function that allows users to see the movie footage they want. The movie's video clip can be taken from the movie's official youtube channel. this function can be placed on the right side of the film cover in question so the user can easily find it.
genre films
this is a function that will show the film genre users they are viewing. I think this is a very important feature of the genre because users can choose their favorite movie genre. if added function can be placed under the synopsis of the films concerned.
Reminder when a movie is released
this is a feature that will allow users to activate reminders for a movie that will be released soon. This feature will allow users to watch their favorite movies when they are released. this feature can be enhanced with additional notifications on the user's smartphone the film is released.
Mockups / Examples
when the trailer feature is added, it might look like this
when the genre information added might look like this
remind me
and for the feature reminds me when added it might look like this
The following are some of the benefits that you get if the features I recommend above are added.
*** trailer ***
This trailer feature can help users to watch movie footage they want to watch. if the user feels that the movie trailer is good the user can add it to the watch list. With this feature, users can find out more easily how the storyline of the film is.
*** genres ***
this feature can help users to get detailed information about the film they want to watch based on genres. with this feature users can watch movies based on their favorite genres. because I feel the cover of the film just isn't enough to explain what the film's genre is.
*** remind me ***
This feature can only be placed in the upcoming section to remind users of their favorite movie when the film is released.
this feature can help users to remember when the film is released. if the user forgets when the film releases this feature will help the user to know that the film has been released.