Some of the stars for rating are not showing up.
Closed this issue · 6 comments
There is no enough information to conclude what is the reason. It's likes because of styles.
I will be able to help only if you either create a repo with an example or put here styles you are using for the control.
I've created a repo
There is not too much code because I've just started but I would really apreciate your help :) .
@Lidofernandez I'm guessing you're taking the Coursera Meteor.js course. There's actually a solution to the problem posted in the Course Forums over here:
@Lidofernandez hey, the problem seems to be in Mongo IDs. Some of them start from a digit and browsers don't recognize them as valid element IDs. So if you add a helper to the photos template that add a prefix to each id, say:
return 'star_' + this._id
it will fix the issue.
and it works like magic!! thank you all!