
Q: vchanger included?

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Hi, does the SD container include vchanger? If not yet, is that something you would be willing to plan for upcoming releases?

Hi, I don't know about vchanger, it looks like a Bacula tool but this image is for Bareos.
Let me know :)

vchanger works for bareos as well. some bareos users are actually using it.

I built a new bareos-storage image which include vchanger inside /usr/local/bin/vchanger/.
There are also few scripts inside /usr/local/libexec/vchanger/.
Can you test it please ?

barcus/bareos-storage:vchanger (based on Ubuntu image + Bareos 21)
or build your own there

I close this one, feel free to open it again @furrnace :)

Thank you!