
allow multiple steps of same type to be specified at once

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I think it would be useful to allow multiple steps to be specified in a single list, rather than specifying each step individually. e.g.

(:steps '((:type
           ( :style human
             "print(\"hello, world!\")"
             "\M-x" "python-shell-send-defun" [return]


(:steps '(:call command-a
bard commented

Can you tell me more about your use case?

This would not enable any new use cases.
It is a syntactic improvement.

bard commented

The first example seems to imply that one could set the typing style per-step, which is currently not possible, so I assumed you had a use case and could not satisfy it with the available functionality.

Since director-run is a low-level block, I'd save syntactic sugar for higher levels, but I'll revisit if director-run ends up being the de-facto interface!