make[1]: *** No rule to make target `all'. Stop.
Opened this issue · 3 comments
baresip-ios-main make contrib
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `all'. Stop.
make: *** [libre] Error 2
What should I do???
Please help!
Hi there!
As a newbie to baresip I had the same problems. Tried a while to modify the config files, no success.
Then cross-compiled openSSL, libra and libbaresip with our own cmake toolchain and linked everything statically.
Had to modify some things to be able to compile it.
For iOS I am using modules g711, audiounit and auresamp. Could so far register and establish audio connections, but echo cancellation is not yet working.
By the way baresip-ios will automatically download libre and librem. Since verison 3.0 librem is obsolete and included in libra.
@lhz684: How did you proceed? Any success?
am also faceing this error
What should I do???
Please help!