
Parser Failing when reading replay as bytes with latest Hots patch

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Alright, I figured out the issue with my Lambda parser. I read the replay in as bytes.

So, it throws error "Heroes.ReplayParser.MPQFiles.DetailedParsedException: 'Not Hero'"

throw new DetailedParsedException("Not Hero");

So to test the similar approach my Lambda parser uses, I changed the input file section to the following.

byte[] bytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(replayFile);
var (replayParseResult, replay) = DataParser.ParseReplay(bytes, ParseOptions.MediumParsing);

2021-05-18 15.58.01 Warhead

This is the replay file ive been testing with. QM

Alright, I did some more testing and it is due to switching parsing options. Default works fine, medium fails

Okay so Blizzard changed something in the Battlelobby file, which unfortunately they don't document in their repo

@koliva8245 Has been figuring out how to parse the Battlelobby file in the past :) Are you able to look at this update?

For now, you can disable ParseOptions.ShouldParseDetailedBattleLobby, so something like:

var parseOptions = ParseOptions.MediumParsing;
parseOptions.ShouldParseDetailedBattleLobby = false;
var (replayParseResult, replay) = DataParser.ParseReplay(bytes, parseOptions);

I'm not sure exactly what you lose by disabling this. I think you'll lose knowing what players are in a party together, and maybe a player's account level

Switching to default fixes my lambda issue, but as you mentioned account level, and party seem to disappear. So not terrible data to lose for now.

I think this is fixed now in version 1.2.15 (Thanks Kolivia!)

I just wanted to verify that this issue is now resolved in the latest version. Thanks