
Autocomplete in VSCode not working properly

FreezyNBE opened this issue · 2 comments


  • ide-helper Version: 2.13
  • Laravel Version: 10.14.1
  • PHP Version: 8.2.4


In Visual Studio Code it seems the autocompletion doesn't work properply.
It works good inside web.php and api.php, but inside controllers and models (probably others too), I get autocompletion only for what is inside _ide_helper_models.php which are a few methods, but it seems VSCode doesn't get autocompletion from _ide_helper.php (which PHPStorm does).
But inside api.php and web.php it seems it recognize that file and I get autocompletion completly fine.

I've tried to do the same thing in PhpStorm and It seems it works correctly in that IDE.

Is there a way I can make it work with VSCode?

P.S: I have PHP Intelephense installed already.

Most plugins don't support @mixin, install PHP Intelephense and buy a lisence, then it works.

[1.7.0 - 2021-04-26]


mfn commented

Thanks for the update, closing then.

Your editor of choice certainly needs to support this.