
"Class 'auth' not found" error when running ide-helper:meta

ignas2526 opened this issue · 3 comments


  • ide-helper Version: 2.13.0
  • Laravel Version: 9.52.15
  • PHP Version: 8.1.20


When running php artisan ide-helper:meta I get:

Class 'auth' not found.

  at vendor/barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper/src/Console/MetaCommand.php:158
    154▕      */
    155▕     protected function registerClassAutoloadExceptions(): callable
    156▕     {
    157▕         $autoloader = function ($class) {
  ➜ 158▕             throw new \ReflectionException("Class '$class' not found.");
    159▕         };
    160▕         spl_autoload_register($autoloader);
    161▕         return $autoloader;
    162▕     }

Any thoughts on what could be the issue?

When I run the following code in the php artisan tinker, it works:

> Illuminate\Auth\AuthManager {#532}

The codebase was just upgraded to Laravel 9 from 8. On Laravel 8, all ide-helper commands were working fine.

The php artisan ide-helper:eloquent, php artisan ide-helper:generate and php artisan ide-helper:models seem to work fine.

mfn commented

What's the full stacktrace?

I've often found that stray config/*.php files interrupt / interfere with the Container loading -- and results in this difficult to diagnose message.

Try running "php artisan tinker" -- it will most likely fail, but it make it easier to identify where the failure stems from.

I encounter these especially after upgrades - changes to config files (missing .env entries, or changed config templates)


mfn commented

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