
Model's --write duplicates array properties that have summary and array key-value types added

olexoliinyk0 opened this issue · 3 comments


  • ide-helper Version: dev-master 6336db0
  • Laravel Version: 10.22.0
  • PHP Version: 8.2.4


After specifying the key and value type for an Eloquent Model's array @property and adding a comment after that - it duplicates the property.

Steps To Reproduce:

  • have the Models that has an array or json column (eg Client model has address_values property that is json typed in DB);
  • run php artisan ide-helper:models App\\Models\\Client --write;
  • check that your Client model's phpDoc now has @property array|null $address_values;
  • specify array key-value types and add a summary for the property - @property array<string, string>|null $address_values some description;
  • run php artisan ide-helper:models App\\Models\\Client --write;
  • check that it now added / duplicated the $address_values property.

It works as expected for these variants:

  • @property array|null $address_values some description -- no array key-value types;
  • @property array<string, string>|null $address_values -- no description / summary / text after the property name.

Expected behavior is to be able to add both array's key-value types and description (I write some examples there).

mfn commented

Can you add a (failing) test? Or even provide a fix?

@mfn This turns out to be a problem with the barryvdh/reflection-docblock dependency. There's a preg_split with a limit of 3 that combines $param_name with the description if generic type with TKey-TValue (and space between) provided, losing the description in such cases.

Created a PR to showcase this bug here and one in that dependency lib to fix this issue, but can't hope that'll be a priority for maintainers. Do you know any other way to fix this locally for the time being?

mfn commented

Do you know any other way to fix this locally for the time being?

Sorry, no.