
[idea] Refactor to use phpstan/phpdoc-parser

barryvdh opened this issue · 2 comments

Just throwing this as a reminder/placeholder.

I came across which is a zero-requirements package to parse and modify phpdocs.
I've forked in the past because the original didn't support modifying phpdocs, but it's clearly not so up-to-date.

It would be interesting to see if we can migrate to use that library instead.

I think it's not as easy, because that parser doesn't support the context. So you would need something like or to resolve the type for us.

Edit: we're already using phpdocumentor/type-resolver so that's not an issue per se

Also something interesting:
For phpdocs we don't really want processing, just want to build it. But for types, we want to use multiple sources (we often already use both reflection, phpdocs and more..)