
Ticks do not line up correctly with numbers

afshawnlotfi opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi all the functionality works for the slider however the ticks do not line up with the numbers as seen here. Was wondering why in the demo photo they were but here they are not.
Thanks Afshawn

Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone Xʀ - 2019-07-19 at 12 45 31

I had the same problem! I fixed it by modifying the package files.

In node_modules/react-native-circular-slider/ClockFace.js, edit the following line (line 39 for me)

 <G transform={{translate: "0, -9"}}>

I changed it to <G transform={{translate: "0, 6"}}> and that did the trick for me. The exact translation will probably depend on the fontSize you use.