
Package vulnerabilities

TomasPlachy opened this issue · 5 comments

I have tried resolving the package vulnerabilities of this project (lot of high and even critical vulnereabilities) and honestly it feels that for me it would be more work than developing a simmilar app from scratch. Are you planning to update the dependencies in the near future?

Hey @TomasPlachy . I haven't touched this codebase in a while, so indeed there may be quite a few outdated dependencies.

I will consider updating this project and maybe even perform some refactoring of the codebase in the upcomming weeks, but I can't say for sure, as I'm quite busy at the moment.

I will also welcome any 3rd party contributions, so if you already tried updating some dependencies, you can maybe open a PR and we can work on that together ?

Also could you tell me, where did you encounter issues with upgrading ? Was it on the JavaScript side (dependencies in package.json) or Android side (gradle dependencies) or both ?

Hi, sorry for the late reply.

Yes I have tried updating the dependencies a few times but couldnt resolve the errors caused by the updates. I have only encountered issues on the Javascript side though.

And what is your motivation for this project? Because I am develipon an alarm clock - dream diary app and came here because I had trouble getting sound to play with the alarm clock notification. I have experience with React Native but am definitely lacking on the purely native side. So if you wanted to collaborate on that and help me with the sounds I could publish my repo and share you a link.

What do you think?

Hi @bartolomej , did you release the updated version that has no conflicts? Right now I see a lot of conflicts in react native navigation packages, etc.

Here is the updated repo with all the rependencies updated to the latest version : My Repo link

Cannot read property getState of null
Cannot read property getAll of null
this error shows when i open Alarm Screen and hence can't add alarm back after coming from edit screen to alarm screen can you help?
(I think it has to do with AlarmService in alarm.js file)