
How to use nested scene?

leonardgithub opened this issue · 5 comments

Is there some problem? Why did you create this issue?

@bartonhammond Hi bartonhammond, I just create this question, but the issue labels can not be set to question. I just want to know how to use nested scene in your snowflake example, i.e. the nested scenes share the UI of their's same parent scene.

I'm not sure I understand your question or your intent. Can you be more specific with what exactly you want? Thanks

Do you know for react? With it, the parent component works as a part of the UI of the child component by writing {this.props.children} in parent component.
But in your react native example with react-native-router-flux, I do not know how to implement it like react-router.

I don't think I can help you. This is more a question for react-native-router-flux.