
Couldn't run as the guide.

Closed this issue · 21 comments

2016-04-29 15:11:50.060 [info][tid:com.facebook.React.JavaScript] Running application "snowflake" with appParams: {"rootTag":1,"initialProps":{}}. DEV === true, development-level warning are ON, performance optimizations are OFF
2016-04-29 15:11:50.079 [error][tid:com.facebook.React.JavaScript] undefined is not an object (evaluating '_reactNativeRouterFlux2.default.Router')
2016-04-29 15:11:50.085 [fatal][tid:com.facebook.React.RCTExceptionsManagerQueue] Unhandled JS Exception: undefined is not an object (evaluating '_reactNativeRouterFlux2.default.Router')

Like this:

Same issue here

Same error for me too, unfortunately I have not the skills to find out what is wrong (I wanted to learn from this app :)
line #145 const Router = connect()(RNRF.Router);

I'll take a look at all these issues tomorrow. This is one of the pains of using so many Javascript libraries that are continuously changing - it's difficult to just keep a working app, working.

thanks! - I spent some hours this week building a login per Rest to a Drupal backend and was struggling with keeping the state of the user, when I discovered your app, it solves all my doubts and more.., it is amazing.

the same issue +1

Note that i am no longer maintaining this project - see README. If someone fixes these issues I will merge a PR but that's the extent of my involvement now.

I did the following to remove the error and access to the UI.
in snowflake.js :
line #27
I changed Route to "Router" -
line #145 is commented out (removed)
// const Router = connect()(RNRF.Router);

after this I could access the APP.
Do not ask me more, I a just learning from there!

Thanks for your update and all the best for your recovery!!!!

I am trying to figure out now, how to remove the warnings:
"Warning: setState(...): Can only update a mounted or mounting component. This usually means you called setState() on an unmounted component. This is a no-op. Please check the code for the undefined component."

the warnings are thrown from the first screen (I just change the orientation of the device and get 48).

by the way, I did learn a lot from your work! And have managed to login to a different backend with the old code yesterday! Thanks again

@rbmedia @bartonhammond I've got a fix for the SetState warning issue. I will issue a pull request tomorrow when I'm back at my computer.

Hi wookiem
can you point me to the cause of the warnings?


In snowflake.js, add the following additional scene:

        <Scene key="InitialLoginForm"
                     title="Register" />

In getSessionToken() in authActions.js change:

Thanks wookiem, it works on the first view, but not if I change to "Forgot password" or "Already have an account", then I get teh warning again. I can not find what call produce those warnings

@rbmedia So, when you launch Snowflake and immediately start cycling between Register / Forgot Password, etc. your seeing the warning? I'm no longer seeing the error in my full app when I cycle between Register/Forget password... I will have time tomorrow to do a pull request against Snowflake.

Yes, after launching the App, I cycle to "Forgot Password" and by rotating the device I get the warning.
Without typing or doing anything else. the app version is 0.1.0.

Yes, when I rotate device, I'm getting the same error now. Looks like this issue may be fixed by upgrading to RN 24. If so, perhaps my changes aren't required. aksonov/react-native-router-flux#616

@rbmedia @bartonhammond

I've made a couple more changes and I no longer have the error (even when I device rotate):

"react-native": "0.24.0"
"react-native-router-flux": "3.22.0"


  • remove type-"replace" from Login, Register and ForgotPassword scene.

npm test also runs cleanly.

I'm hesitant to issue a pull request at this stage because RN25 which is due out in 9 days may revert some of the changes.

@wookiem @rbmedia I think upgrading from RN 19 to 24 would be worth it.

We would want to wait after RN 25 for a while anyway, for it to stabilize, so might as well get to a stabilzed 24. Heck, there's already a RN 26.0-rc.

Ok, I will submit a pull request later today.

Thank You wookiem!