
Redux boilerplate

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Great starter kit! I've been looking a lot to find some alternative to Redux to decrease a lot of boilerplate. Just checked your components and they are the same as mine (bulky connect statements within React components, numerous action string constants and 'switch' statements within reducers).

I've been working on large app and was not satisfied with a lot of redux boilerplate.
Unfortunately i was not able to find elegant alternative and had to build own one based on Reactive Programming (yeah, React Native is reactive, but Redux doesn't). Could you check ? I believe it could fit into this starter kit perfectly and simplify it by 20-30%.

Hi @aksonov - I agree with your assessment of Redux - it's a lot of boilerplate though you get a very testable solution of state management. Please feel free create a fork and replace Redux w/ your solution.

If I were start another project using React-Native, I would take a serious look at

@bartonhammond Thanks for suggestion! Mobx looks really impressive. Probably i will try to use mobx inside react-native-reactive as plugin, so user could choose.

@bartonhammond Created and start using it in my project. Thanks again for mobx suggestion, looks even easier comparing to Calmm-JS. With React Native Router Flux MobX became much easier - no need to wrap each scene with @observer

@aksonov Glad that was of help.