
Possible to use within @layer declarations?

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I was hoping something like this would work:

@layer utilities {
  .exa {
    @apply ~text-7xl/text-9xl;
  .nano {
    @apply ~text-xs/text-sm;

But if my understanding is correct, this is out of order for PostCSS processing. I want to do it like this because each of those classes will have specific overrides for line height, weight, letter spacing, and other variable font adjustments. They're likely to become quite verbose, and there will be 8-10 of them.

Can someone recommend a way to accomplish this? I debated a separate plugin but that may be out of my skill zone.

Sloppy! I figured this out… 

  .exa {
    @apply ~text-7xl/9xl;

Does indeed work within @layer etc if the markup is correct.