Paypal banner blocks typography button on mobile
zcdunn opened this issue · 2 comments
zcdunn commented
I'm using Firefox on a Moto G6. The "buy me a beer/coffee" link blocks the typography button at the top of all pages. The typography button is displayed, but trying to click on it activates the paypal link. This means I can't switch to dark mode and increase the font size, so I'm not able to read the book on mobile.
basarat commented
Your experience is valid. However the button isn't clickable even if I delete the donation button:
How the donation button is added :
Line 4 in 158eabf
You can remove it in the rendered dom and see that the typography button still becomes unclickable even without the donate banner. Gitbook bug 🌹
basarat commented
There is no paypal banner anymore 🌹