
Paypal banner blocks typography button on mobile

zcdunn opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm using Firefox on a Moto G6. The "buy me a beer/coffee" link blocks the typography button at the top of all pages. The typography button is displayed, but trying to click on it activates the paypal link. This means I can't switch to dark mode and increase the font size, so I'm not able to read the book on mobile.

Your experience is valid. However the button isn't clickable even if I delete the donation button:


How the donation button is added :

var content = '<a href="" style="display: block;text-align: center;"> Buy me a beer / coffee 🍻 ☕️ 🌹 <br><br><img src="" alt="donate"><br><br></a>';

You can remove it in the rendered dom and see that the typography button still becomes unclickable even without the donate banner. Gitbook bug 🌹

There is no paypal banner anymore 🌹