
Model return empty array

Opened this issue · 1 comments

i am using latest lumen, and this my configuration based on doc.


return [

    'default' => env('ELASTIC_CONNECTION', 'default'),

    'connections' => [

        'default' => [

            'servers' => [

                    "host" => env("ELASTIC_HOST", ""),
                    "port" => env("ELASTIC_PORT", 9200),
                    'user' => env('ELASTIC_USER', ''),
                    'pass' => env('ELASTIC_PASS', ''),
                    'scheme' => env('ELASTIC_SCHEME', 'http'),


            'index' => env('ELASTIC_INDEX', 'products_1'),

    'indices' => [

        'products_1' => [

            "aliases" => [

            'settings' => [
                "number_of_shards" => 1,
                "number_of_replicas" => 0,

            'mappings' => [
                'products' => [
                    "properties" => [
                        'title' => [
                            'type' => 'text'




i am change string to text because when i used string i got this error

{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"mapper_parsing_exception","reason":"No handler for type [string] declared on field [title]"}],
  "type":"mapper_parsing_exception","reason":"No handler for type [string] declared on field [title]"},"status":400}


'driver' => env('SCOUT_DRIVER', 'es'),
'es' => [
        'connection' => env('ELASTIC_CONNECTION', 'default'),



namespace App;

use Basemkhirat\Elasticsearch\Model;

class Product extends Model {

    protected $index = "products";
    protected $type = "products";

Then i use

php artisan es:indices:create

I got

Creating index: products_1
Creating alias: products for index: products_1
Creating mapping for type: products in index: products_1

I check the index

| configured (es.php) | health | status | index      | uuid                   | pri | rep | docs.count | docs.deleted | store.size | |
| yes                 | green  | open   | products_1 | dh8IUmv5T4qsx7IoAVmeng | 1   | 0   | 0          | 0            | 233b       | 233b           |

I using scout to my model

php artisan scout:import "App\Product"

i got

All [App\Product] records have been imported.

But when i tried to access via controller

 $products = \App\Product::all();
 return  $products;

i got


On database i have at least 11 product, so why i got empty array instead of all my product ? is my configuration wrong ?

@ariesmaulana issue resolved , can you please help me with this ?