
Missing riak_pb dependency on the master branch.

Closed this issue · 1 comments

You have the rebar.config with

    lager, getopt, bear, folsom, ibrowse,
    riakc, riak_pb, mochiweb, protobuffs, velvet, goldrush

and with the old version of the riakc

{riakc, ".*",
 {git, "git://", {tag, "1.4.1"}}},

which does not contains the riak_pb dependency.
And when I build the basho_bench I get an error

ERROR: Failed to get ebin/ directory for riak_pb escript_incl_apps.
ERROR: escriptize failed while processing /home/a/basho_bench: rebar_abort

Sorry to let this sit so long but ... I just pulled the master branch which is at commit 4553933. After a make clean and rm -rf deps/*, building from scratch with make results in zero errors. If the reported problem is repeatable, please reopen this ticket.