
Update riak admin usage and examples to reflect changes

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Since the format of riak-admin was changed to riak admin, examples such as the usage prompt from running riak admin need to be corrected. See below for example:

$ riak admin
Usage: riak-admin { cluster | join | leave | backup | restore | test | 
                    reip | js-reload | erl-reload | wait-for-service | 
                    ringready | transfers | force-remove | down |
                    cluster-info | member-status | ring-status | vnode-status |
                    aae-status | diag | stat | status | transfer-limit | reformat-indexes |
                    top [-interval N] [-sort reductions|memory|msg_q] [-lines N] |
                    downgrade-objects | security | bucket-type | repair-2i |
                    search | services | ensemble-status | handoff | set |
                    show | describe }