
push() and pop()

Opened this issue · 13 comments

trych commented

As @ffd8 suggested here:

should we consider adding a push() + pop() that simply mirrors our existing pushMatrix() and popMatrix()? P5js, switched to that style (…) would make the new ability of easily porting code from P5js thanks to the b-less upgrade that much smoother.

I think it's a good idea, but at the same time, I would not want to clutter our reference.

So here is a suggestion: How about we just implement push() and pop() into the code as simple wrappers, but just have pushMatrix() and popMatrix() in the docs and tutorials.

That way we have the both of best worlds: an official "suggested way", uncluttered docs, but code pasted over from p5.js still works.

b-g commented

+1. Yes to: push() and pop() aliasing to pushMatrix() and popMatrix()

trych commented

@b-g And then not mentioning it in the docs, just allowing it to work in the background?

ffd8 commented

I can imagine either. Hiding and just mirror/aliasing helps compatibility but could lead to confusion if it showed up in any example code. So probably best if listed and simply mentions it's a P5js compatibility for pushMatrix() <- linking if possible to the main documentation reference for it. They will anyways appear alphabetically next to one another so there shouldn't be much confusion.

b-g commented

Yes ... I would document both and make clear that it is identical.

Speaking of those hacks I would make b.print() an alias to b.println() ... as p5.js dropped println

trych commented

Speaking of those hacks I would make b.print() an alias to b.println() ... as p5.js dropped println

Here you, @fabianmoronzirfas and @ffd8 voted to keep both as they are. I know the print statement in p5.js is somewhat annoying, but to stay compatible to Processing, we would need both.
Or we can assume that the print statement is used way more often in p5.js than in Processing (I have never used print()) and go ahead and make it an alias.


About the push() / pushMatrix(). I just learned that there is a difference between push and pushMatrix, see point 6 in this list. push() basically calls both pushMatrix() and pushStyle(), pop() calls both popMatrix() and popStyle().

Suggestion: We implement a pushStyle() and a popStyle() function (should be easy to do) and then add a push() function to call both pushMatrix() and pushStyle(). That way we have maximum compatibilty with all packages.


ffd8 commented

Uh oh.. haunted by the past!? I still vote for both. Before I wasn't as keen on adopting the P5js capability, but since b-less, my eyes have been opened. Alias or adopting the difference in function are fine by me. I have also never used just print() in Processing.

Re: pop()/push() also adopting the popStyle() etc., – was also going to mention this, but realized we don't have those functions, so ignored it. If it was easy to implement such a function, fantastic.

b-g commented

+1! (wasn't aware of the small difference of push() and pushMatrix())

Same feeling here ... with b-less I see things a bit different now. Sorry for the back and forth.

Do we have to align with P5.js?

trych commented

We decided back at our Skype call in 2016 that it would be good to be align with both Processing and p5.js as much as possible (minus the 3D stuff and other things that don't translate well to InDesign).

And I think since then p5.js has gained even more momentum, so I don't see, why we should ignore it now.

ffd8 commented

Back then it was more about style/conventions – but since b-less, it opens up a quicker port of code from P5js than Processing – both really useful, but the var aspect makes a difference and avoiding a common error like 'push() does not exist' is worth having the alias.

Okay. I get it. I'm not sure if we should try to add something like the style push/pop. Would you guys find this helpful? I always thought of push and pop only in terms of coordinate space.

trych commented

Why? What's the issue? pushMatrix() and popMatrix() will still exist and continue to work. I could imagine the style commands to be useful at times, just like the matrix commands.

No issue. In my mind push and pop is only for the coordinate space.