
command executed each time a keysym is pressed after actuating keybind

simonasGit opened this issue · 1 comments


Print + s
    maim -u -s /home/s/pix/ss/$(date '+%b-%d-%H-%M-%Y').png

The keybind works as expected but afterwards each time s is actuated, it always invokes the command. It doesn't happen with shift + Print or shift + s though, maybe it's because of Print being keysym/modifier/something else?


Print + s is not even valid sxhkdrc syntax, so yeah.

You can't just combine two keys together in an hotkey, that would not make much sense. You can only combine zero or more modifier with exactly one key (e.g. super + 1, super + shift + a , ctrl + alt + shift + F4).

You cannot bind something to Print + s because Print and s are both keys.

You could bind two key sequence Print ; s (s pressed after pressing Print, not Print and s pressed together.), like so:

  • sxhkd configuration file:
    Print ; s
    	maim -u -s "/home/s/pix/ss/$(date '+%b-%d-%H-%M-%Y').png"

If you really want to use Print as a modifier (why?), you could add Print to the mod3 modifier map and then mention mod3 in your sxhkd configuration file when you want to use Print as a modifier.

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