
Label Error font-wieght style attribute

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I set the HtmlText of a Label with an html without a tag that contains this "font-wieght" style.
But the label generate exception when i assign this html...

The html is a bit long... There is a limit of html lenght?

I've done some testing and the problem is span with style attribute "font-weight: bold;" can you resolve this problem?

  1. Have you tried the Forms9PatchDemo project? Does it work for you?
  2. If the Forms9PatchDemo project does not work, let me know.
  3. If the Forms9PatchDemo project does work, compare it to your project.
  4. If the above fails, share a small sample project that illustrates your issue. Nine times out of ten, making such a project will show you what need to be done to get things working or will help you better understand the boundary conditions of the. issue.