
My custom Docker image for Ghost CMS

Primary LanguageDockerfile

My Custom Ghost Dockerfile

This file now does 3 things

  1. Use the most current Ghost (alpine) image
  2. Add the GCS storage adapter and some variables to the container
  3. Load my version of the Ghost theme Casper-i18n

The steps below explain how to use it with Google Cloud Run.

1. Build the container image, locally

docker build . --tag ghost:gcs

2. Try the image locally

Run it locally, with the bucket name as an Environment Variable

docker run -d --name local-ghost -e NODE_ENV=development -e storage__gcs__bucket=<<bucketname>> -p 8080:2368 ghost:gcs

Preview it in the local browser

echo Open $(cloudshell get-web-preview-url -p 8080) to try ghost locally

To debug, enter the container via interactive shell (and enter exit to return to own shell):

docker exec -it local-ghost sh
docker logs local-ghost

Stop and remove the local container

docker rm -f local-ghost

3. To the Cloud!

Following along the lines of https://parondeau.com/blog/self-hosting-ghost-gcp, using the image with Cloud SQL in production. But this time, with feeewing. (What was that? This is not a charade. Now try again.)

3.1 Bucket, Database and Mail service

Create a bucket within the Ghost project, i.e. gcs.janx.nl. And a service account, i.e. ghost@janx-spirit.iam.gserviceaccount.com.

Set up the MySQL 8.0 database service, i.e. www-leenders-info:europe-west4:leenders-shared, with a database named ghost.

Create the DB password as a secret:

echo -n "${DB_PASSWORD}" | gcloud secrets create db-password --replication-policy="automatic" --data-file=-

Create Mailgun SMTP account (follow https://www.ajfriesen.com/self-hosting-ghost-with-docker-compose/) and store password as a secret:

echo -n "${MAILGUN_PASSWORD}" | gcloud secrets create mailgun-password --replication-policy="automatic" --data-file=-

3.2 Set up the service Account

Create a new Service Account for the Ghost production service, and give it permissions.

  1. Storage Object Admin on the storage bucket
gcloud storage buckets add-iam-policy-binding gs://<bucketname> \
--member=ghost@janx-spirit.iam.gserviceaccount.com --role=roles/storage.objectAdmin
  1. Read access on the secrets (i.e.g secret-id = db-password / mailgun_password)
gcloud secrets add-iam-policy-binding <secret-id> \
--member="ghost@janx-spirit.iam.gserviceaccount.com" \
  1. Cloud SQL Client
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding janx-spirit \
--member="ghost@janx-spirit.iam.gserviceaccount.com" \

3.3 Use the image in Cloud Run

Set up a new container registry in the project (once):

gcloud artifacts repositories create ghost --repository-format=docker --location=europe-west4 --description="My Ghost repo"

Now, tag the image (built above) as the latest build and push it to the project's Containter Registry

docker tag ghost:gcs europe-west4-docker.pkg.dev/janx-spirit/ghost/ghost-gcs:latest
docker push europe-west4-docker.pkg.dev/janx-spirit/ghost/ghost-gcs:latest

Deploy the Cloud Run revision, running as the Service Account, with all the config and secrets in environment variables:

gcloud run deploy ghost \
--image=europe-west4-docker.pkg.dev/janx-spirit/ghost/ghost-gcs:latest \
--set-env-vars='url=https://janx.nl' \
--set-env-vars='admin__url=https://ghost.janx.nl' \
--set-env-vars=database__client=mysql \
--set-env-vars='database__connection__socketPath=/cloudsql/www-leenders-info:europe-west4:leenders-shared' \
--set-env-vars=database__connection__database=ghost \
--set-env-vars=database__connection__user=root \
--set-env-vars=storage__gcs__bucket=gcs.janx.nl \
--set-env-vars=mail__transport=SMTP \
--set-env-vars=mail__options__service=Mailgun \
--set-env-vars=mail__options__host=smtp.eu.mailgun.org \
--set-env-vars=mail__options__port=465 \
--set-env-vars=mail__options__auth__user=postmaster@mg.janx.nl \
--set-env-vars=mail__options__secure=true \
--set-cloudsql-instances=www-leenders-info:europe-west4:leenders-shared \
--set-secrets=database__connection__password=projects/693812269963/secrets/db-password:latest,mail__options__auth__pass=mailgun-password:latest \
--service-account=ghost-production@janx-spirit.iam.gserviceaccount.com \
--set-env-vars=database__connection__pool__min=1 \
--set-env-vars=database__connection__pool__max=20 \
--execution-environment=gen2 \
--region=europe-west4 \

gcloud run services update-traffic ghost --to-latest

It takes a few minutes before Ghosts comes out of the "Busy Updating" maintenance mode. The following startup probe appears to work as expected:

      initialDelaySeconds: 180
      timeoutSeconds: 10
      periodSeconds: 30
      failureThreshold: 10
        path: /favicon.ico
        port: 2368