
IGMP-proxy crashing > solution script

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I have been experiencing some issues with an IGMP-Proxy process crashing and causing IPTV streams to freeze and result in the error "Foutmelding: zender niet beschikbaar".

I have been analysing the issue and it seems to be caused by the crashing igmp-proxy process. Manually restarting the igmp-proxy (login into the USG with ssh and use the command "restart igmp-proxy") seems to fix the issue for a while.

I found a script that will solve (read workaround) the issue.

Original source is

Added the following to the Gateway configuration file

"system": { "task-scheduler": { "task": { "iptv": { "executable": { "path": "/config/scripts/post-config.d/" }, "interval": "15m" }, "IGMP": { "executable": { "path": "/config/scripts/post-config.d/" }, "interval": "5m" } } } },

Use in your advance!

If I use your method, I get the error "There was a problem applying the configuration on USG" after provisioning.
Due to this, the status 'hangs' on "provisioning".
I set the permissions for the script to be executable.
What am I doing wrong?
Should I place your json lines at the bottom of the gateway json file or should I only incorporate the "task-scheduler" part in the main script?