
Wan connection flipping back to DHCP, when using json file.

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Hi, I used your json file and manual to get IPTV and Internet from KPN working and I did. And internet and IPTV is working. But Controller flips my WAN cannection back to DHCP, when I provision the json file. And because of this port forwarding is not working anymore. And I am not able to reach my network from outside my own network.

Don't look at the controller for it; it's a known bug and doesn't affect port forwarding so most likely something else is wrong there.

If I adjust the wan connection to PPPoE from controller, It will provision and (also json file) and as far I can see it is succesfull. And for a while it will show PPPoE on both Gateway GUI and controller. But this is for short moment and after few minutes it flips back to DHCP.

If I look in config on the USG, a few lines are appearing at that moment in the config of vif 6:

   vif 6 {

       address dhcp

       description "eth0.6 - Internet"

       dhcp-options {

           client-option "retry 60;"

           default-route-distance 1

           name-server no-update

After this, I am not able to connect to my USG/network from outside my network anymore. And therefor I am also not able to use my port-forwarding rules anymore, to connect to my nas, etc.

It will switch back because your json file will your controller overwrite configs. When working with this config, do not try to override things in the controller anymore that are related to configuring your connection.

I understand, but here is what I did. I adjusted the wan connection to pppoe and vlan 6 (without json file in place) internet is working and all is working as it should. The I put json file in place and provision again. Then it is ok for few minutes and then my wan connection flips back to dhcp in controller and gateway gui. But internet and iptv are working.
But what I understand, you have this config also running and you are able to reach your USG/network from outside?
And is this vif 6 config (address dhcp) also on your usg?

I was using this config:
And just tested with this config: (look for USG3 IPTV json file)
And now I can reach my network from outside again.
Makes me happy ;-)

I will check the differences to find out why it is working now and not before.

I will reboot router to see if it stays working.


I'm using another config (from CoolHVA) however what I wanted to point out: don't stare blind on what the controller is telling you. With a custom config like this it will show a wrong connection type but it doesn't matter; you got working what you need.