
No module named 'btlewrap'

Jochen723 opened this issue · 5 comments

I get the following error:

/home/pi/miflora/ --backend gatttool poll C4:7C:8D:61:57:A0
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pi/miflora/", line 9, in
from btlewrap import available_backends, BluepyBackend, GatttoolBackend, PygattBackend
ImportError: No module named 'btlewrap'

the latest version of miflora depends on the btlewrap library. If you install miflora via pip (which is the recommended way), pip will also install this dependency for you. I just added this to the documentation:

old issue --> closing it

I have the same error.
/home/pi/miflora/ --backend gatttool poll C4:7C:8D:61:57:A0
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pi/miflora/", line 9, in
from btlewrap import available_backends, BluepyBackend, GatttoolBackend, PygattBackend
ImportError: No module named 'btlewrap'

please guide, for import btlewrap file

did you try the solution above?

yes, I try that... But still, I have a different error.

usage: poll [-h] mac poll: error: the following arguments are required: mac