
Conda Binstar Package for more platforms

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hey all,
Thanks for uploading the linux package for PySoundCard to for conda install. Is it possible to upload OSX ones as well? Thanks,

PS - just realized that you're probably not the "auto" user who uploaded it, so you can disregard that. I'll try to find out who that was and talk to them. Cheers, -Erik

This would be a terriffic feature though, since installation of PySoundCard is still a bit of a hassle.

Cool; I’m trying to track down who owns the “auto” account, and how to resolve namespace collisions. I’ll let you know if I figure anything out.

On May 16, 2014, at 7:10 AM, Bastian Bechtold wrote:

This would be a terriffic feature though, since installation of PySoundCard is still a bit of a hassle.

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I think we now have a better solution to this with the pip wheels.