
Exceptions with Guzzle

Closed this issue · 13 comments


i know this perhaps isn't the right place but is anyone having issues handling exceptions since the update to use Guzzle?

This is my example code:

use Strava\API\OAuth;
use Strava\API\Client;
use Strava\API\Exception;
#use Strava\API\Exception\ClientException;
use Strava\API\Service\REST;
#use GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException;
#use GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException;

    $token = $_SESSION['AuthToken'] ; 
    $adapter = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(['base_uri' => '']);
    $service = new REST($token, $adapter);
    $client = new Client($service);
    $athlete = $client->getAthlete();
    } catch (Exception $e){
    echo "in here";
            throw new Exception('Unauthorised');


This returns:

string(209) "Client error: GET resulted in a 401 Unauthorized response: {"message":"Authorization Error","errors":[{"resource":"Athlete","field":"access_token","code":"invalid"}]} "

I have tried loads of combinations of ClientException and Exception in different namespaces but do not get an exception thrown, as far as i can tell i am copying the readme examples. Does anyone have an idea what is have done wrong? This worked fine and caught the 401 errors with the previous version.


I also have the same issue.

@iDontWantAUsername I found that I could get the getAthlete() function working.
Change the line:
$service = new REST($token, $adapter);
$service = new REST($token->getToken(), $adapter);

I'm still trying to figure out how to get the getAthleteActivities() function working now.

Thanks @bwardy , i should have been a bit clearer, if i put in a valid Token the request does work as expected.

My issue is that if i am not authorised i should get an exception from Guzzle that i can handle and return the correct message.

I am not getting the handled exceptions i used to get prior to Guzzle. I should be able to use the Exceptions rather than having to run a string comparison on the getAthlete response.

@iDontWantAUsername well... I'm out. I'm VERY new to this. :)

Looks like this issue is releated to #45. I fixed the problem other there, unfortunately the fix was not accepted.

The Guzzle update was quite comprehensive. Also, from 15 jan 2018 onwards there is a change in the authentication process.
So I'll try and contact @basvandorst to run over the new issues. To get these hickups ironed out.

I might be a bit late to the party here, but also experiencing similar issues to @iDontWantAUsername.

Would changing the catch block in be beneficial?

private function getResponse($method, $path, $parameters)
try {
$response = $this->adapter->request($method, $path, $parameters);
return $this->getResult($response);
catch (\Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();

As opposed to returning $e->getMessage(), return $e->getResponse() (or both)? Would enable you to do look at useful data such as the response code?

@djjavo Yes, that would be useful. But requires a bit of a refactor of all the getResponse() calls.
Could you supply a pull request on the develop branch of my fork?

@djjavo I'm closing this issue. If you want the $e->getMessage() issue addressed, please open a separate issue or PR.

Ah this is related to my issue: #65
I'm willing to spend time to make a PR but I'm not sure as to what has to happen exactly.
Would it be an idea to rethrow instead of returning $e->getMessage()?

@notflip Yes, that would be the idea. I'll review the PR if you supply one.

I'm a bit concerned we're breaking current implementations of the this class again by making a change like this. But it makes a lot of sense to re-throw and have implementations catch the error instead of the message. Or we define a global config variable which sets the response output to text by default. You could change that param to get a throwable instead of the error text.

@vredeling I've suggested a non-breaking change (#67) for users of StravaPHP that require extra information in the response.

@notflip since this PR #67 has been merged to the latest dev version, it is possible to check the response codes.
Just instantiate the REST client like so:
$service = new REST($token->getToken(), $adapter, 1);
That will give you access to the response headers, body and status codes.