Having trouble getting OAuth2 to work and missing refresh token
phpfui opened this issue · 7 comments
I have used OAuth2 before, but having trouble getting this library to work as documented. And I don't see how you get a refresh token. It can probably can all be solved with more complete examples.
Right now I am getting the following error:
Required option not passed: "access_token" /League/OAuth2/Client/Token/AccessToken.php 96
called from /League/OAuth2/Client/Provider/AbstractProvider.php 746
called from /League/OAuth2/Client/Provider/AbstractProvider.php 544
I don't see "access_token" in the documentation.
I appreciate any insights.
Hi there, it would be useful to see your code examples in your implementation to gain a clearer understanding of what you are doing. Please could you provide these
In trying to get a token, I am doing this:
$client = new \Strava\API\OAuth([
'clientId' => $clientId,
'clientSecret' => $token,
'redirectUri' => $myRedirectUrl, ]);
\header('location: ' . $client->getAuthorizationUrl(['scope' => ['read', ]]));
Then on the redirect page:
$token = $client->getAccessToken('authorization_code', ['code' => $_GET['code']]);
$bearerToken = $token->getToken();
$refreshToken = $token->getRefreshToken();
One question is how do I refresh the token?
As far as I can tell, the above code should work - this is exactly how I access the tokens.
Your error seems to be coming from the AccessToken
constructor. Have the checked the response you are getting from Strava?
One question is how do I refresh the token?
@phpfui you can call the following:
$newAccessToken = $client->getAccessToken('refresh_token', [
'refresh_token' => $oldAccessToken->getRefreshToken(),
Where $client
in an instance of Strava\API\OAuth
(it is probably better to name this $oauth
to prevent confusion with Strava\API\Client
Thanks for getting back to me. Turns out the Strava API will not get me what I want, which is mileage and elevation of any public activity. The code was trivial once I looked at the HTML, which Strava has conveniently structured well.
namespace App\Model;
class Strava
private function __construct(private array $data)
public function getMileage() : float
return (float)$this->data['mi'] ?? 0;
public function getElevationFeet() : int
return (int)$this->data['ft'] ?? 0;
public static loadFromActivityId(string $activityId) : ?\App\Model\Strava
$url = 'https://www.strava.com/activities/' . $activityId;
$html = file_get_contents($url);
if (! $html)
return null;
$dom = new \voku\helper\HtmlDomParser($html);
$parts = [];
foreach ($dom->find('.unit') as $node)
$unit = $node->text();
$value = str_replace([' ' . $unit, ','], '', $node->parentNode()->text());
$parts[$unit] = $value;
return new \App\Model\Strava($parts);
I am only using this in the US, so miles and feet, but I imagine it would be easy to also do the metric pages as well.
Thanks again for your library and support.
Turns out I can't use the API for my issue anyway. Closing. Thanks for the feedback.