
A few syntax issues

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Test cases

// Problem with async

// Spreading literal number

// Keyword `await` is allowed as identifier name

// Same for `let` keyword

// I am not sure if this is an issue, or you did it on purpose

// Any reason for matching fourth grave accent as wrong strign sequence?

// This is valid script, ES allows incrementing result of function call

How it looks

Regarding some of these, like let and async, while some allowances are made for these to be recognized as identifiers in plausible scenarios, keep in mind that a regex based syntax highlighter can never have adequate context to differentiate a Script from a Module. ES Sublime presumes module.

We also can't actually parse expressions, so instead we need to rely on heuristics to determine plausible continuations — loosely categorizing each possibly terminal token in one of four or five groups to make decisions about what comes next. If you’d like to submit a PR to permit the incremented template literal in the final example or spreading numeric literals, I’d be happy to review & merge, but it’s obviously not real code so between that and the fact that a regexp syntax def can't be entirely precise, I don’t consider these bugs.

The if (exp) ; example is definitely a bug though. It affects while (true) ; as well — I’ll spin that off into a ticket on its own, but am closing this one.