
Turn off Safe Mode/Prefer Ecmascript standard mode.

ryanpcmcquen opened this issue · 2 comments

Is there a way to disable 'Safe Mode'? My *.js files keep opening in it and it does not handle React's syntax very well, for example:

Without Safe Mode:

Screen Shot 2020-06-10 at 11 45 21 AM

With Safe Mode:

Screen Shot 2020-06-10 at 11 45 08 AM

Seems like one workaround is to have an ecmascript-js.sublime-settings file under Packages/User:


Not sure why this happened for you. But yea sometimes depending on other JS packages you have installed can mess with syntax settings. Another way to fix which does same thing is open a .js file and go View > Syntax > Open all with current extension as > Ecmascript Syntax > Ecmascript.