scale and positioning
l4u opened this issue · 7 comments
When I scale a sprite and move it to (0,0).
It doesn't appear at the top left, probably because it is scaled with a center anchor point.
How do I implement this?
How much do you scale it? As I understand it it should still display. Do you use canvas or HTML?
I am scaling it for < 1.
But the result is the same for canvas/HTML, or scaling it > 1.
Could you try this code with your image?
It works for me. The scaling is applied from the center of the sprite::
window.onload = function() {
var game_height = 200;
var game_width = 200;
var scene = sjs.Scene({w:game_width, h:game_height});
scene.loadImages(['img/ground.png'], function(){
var s = scene.Sprite('img/ground.png');
s.move(0, 0);
Thanks @batiste, I have tried your code but if I want to align the left corner of the sprite to (0, 0)
the code would become
sprite.move( - width_of_sprite * (1 - scale_factor) / 2, - height_of_sprite * (1 - scale_factor) / 2);
And the code will become longer when I want to align the left top corner of a sprite to (x, y)
Could we add some functions to the framework?
Not sure how this should be implemented, I am looking into other frameworks for references.
A way to do this would be to change the center of scaling for the Sprite. This could be done with the transform origin CSS property:
So it will look like this::
s.transformOrigin(0, 0);
s.scale(2, 2);
What do you think?
Just tried out the new function.
It works and makes my code much cleaner.