
Screensaver doesn't engage after 5m of idle with 5m idle set on v38 / Steam Deck (original LCD)

SteveDevOps opened this issue · 1 comments

Concerned project


Distribution Version

v38 2023/10/14 21:43


Steam Deck (original LCD)

Issue description

I have tried to set screensaver to either DIM or BLACK in settings on v38 / Steam Deck.. to no avail. Running off of micro sd card / booting from bios. Using 5min of Idle in settings. It doesn't engage, I've timed it.

set to 5m, and TYPE as BLACK or DIM

Is this a known bug or am I missing an additional setting? I have it set to activate after 5min of idle time and it happens at some point later.. not 5m of idle.

Other conditions:
I am actively running Scraper. Unit is connected to hub dongle via usb-c which is providing hard-line network and power. This is a situation where I need to ensure the screensaver engages on time because I'm leaving it to Scrape overnight and I don't want excessive heat generated or screen burn.

Does scraper execution trump idle time?

Logs and data

No response

Yes. Scraper resets idle time.
You can't activate screensaver while scraping or indexing games.