
Django project to play with Indian Railways data

Primary LanguagePython

Django Project to import, view and manage Indian Railways data [WIP]


  • Assumes you have Postgres with PostGIS installed on your machine.
  • Create a virtualenv
  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • createdb railways
  • psql railways
  • \q
  • python manage.py migrate

Import Data

This assumes you have all the data required locally.

python manage.py shell to open the django shell and then: from india.models import * to import all models. Then:

Import Stations: Station.import_from_csv('/path/to/file.csv')

Import Trains: Train.import_from_csv('/path/to/file.csv')

Import Schedules: Schedule.import_from_json('/path/to/file.json')

Associate Stations with lat-lngs: Station.import_locations('/path/to/json') (you may want to change this based on your source for lat-lngs - look at the import_locations classmethod of the Station model)

Have fun!

Look at the existing model and class methods to see what data you can export - try running them on your shell! Add more methods to extract interesting data and make Pull Reqeusts!

Next Steps

Coming Soon: An admin interface to manage and edit data + some front-end to browse and visualize data.

Happy data-ing!