
Cannot connect to SSH once on VPN

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Per the documentation, I used the following command:

ssh [created_user]@

I keep getting:

ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused

Any ideas?

Sorry, for some reason, sshd hadn't started. Once I started it, it was all fine. Although, I'm wondering why it hadn't started to begin with - it was starting up prior to running this playbook.

Edit: Virtualbox VM in this case, and used the available terminal to make the changes.

Running journalctl:

error: Bind to port 22 on failed: Cannot assign requested address.
fatal: Cannot bind any address

However, if I start it manually using the Virtualbox console window, it's fine.

Edit: Screenshot of journalctl, pink highlights for openvpn entries. These lead me to believe that OpenVPN hadn't fully started up, thus the IP wasn't ready for sshd?

Edit2: I modified the ssh init script to require OpenVPN: Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog $openvpn and got the same error.

qugu commented

Same thing here on Ubuntu 16.04 x64. I had to start the SSH daemon manually using the console.

Same here.