Module has no attribute 'lkl'
Closed this issue · 2 comments
Hi, I've been trying to reproduce the data of an article using Planck's 2013 likelihood. I followed the steps for installing and usage but I keep getting the following error:
python montepython/ run -p input/planck+pantheon2.param -o chains/deltaw0 -N 1000
Running Monte Python v3.0.1
with CLASS v2.7.1
Testing likelihoods for:
-> Planck_actspt, Planck_highl, Planck_lowl, Planck_lensing, Pantheon, bao
Cannot use clik wrapper (cause = 'No module named lkl')
Cannot use clik_lensing wrapper (cause = 'No module named lkl_lensing')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "montepython/", line 40, in
File "/home/dinorah/montepython_public/montepython/", line 31, in run
File "/home/dinorah/montepython_public/montepython/", line 188, in safe_initialisation
cosmo, data, command_line, success = initialise(custom_command)
File "/home/dinorah/montepython_public/montepython/", line 66, in initialise
data = Data(command_line, path)
File "/home/dinorah/montepython_public/montepython/", line 341, in init
File "/home/dinorah/montepython_public/montepython/", line 470, in initialise_likelihoods
elem, elem, folder, elem)
File "", line 1, in
File "/home/dinorah/montepython_public/montepython/", line 886, in init
except clik.lkl.CError:
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'lkl'
I don't understand what I did wrong, I have configured all the files correctly...
Hello, is this issue resolved? I have exactly the same error. plc-3.01 seems to run fine individiually, so does MontePython, but they throw this error when combined.
Dear user,
Your are raising issues on the old MontePython v1 and v2 repository (active in 2013-2018).
As clearly stated on this wiki, issue #55: since April 2018 and v3, the MontePython repository has moved to
Please go there to clone a recent, working and maintained version of the code. Then, if necessary, plaise raise your issues in that repository.