
Provide in documentation information about pinned napari-version

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hi @bauerdavid,

I really enjoy working with your plugin! But I struggled in the beginning with the installation, because I can not find in your documentation the hint that the napari-version was pinned to napari == 0.4.15 (partly connected to issue #32).

And because I did not know that, I tried to install the plugin first in the following way:

mamba install napari=0.4.17 -c conda-forge
pip install napari-nD-annotator

which did lead to the following error message:

C:\Users\maral\mambaforge\envs\annotator_env\lib\site-packages\napari_nd_annotator\boundingbox\ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in cast!

And this does not really help to come to the conclusion that you need to install the plugin like this:

mamba install napari=0.4.15 -c conda-forge
pip install napari-nD-annotator

where everything worked fine for me. So my recommendation would be to specify the pinned dependencies also in the documentation.



Hey @marabuuu,
I'm sorry for your inconvenience! For now I included it in the Known Issues section of the readme (see 59993d5). For the next release we will check which napari versions are supported (now it should be fine with 0.4.15 and 0.4.16).

Thanks for your feedback!
