
RuntimeError: Failed to import command at 'napari_nd_annotator:ListWidgetBB': 'numpy._DTypeMeta' object is not subscriptable

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I got inspired by the blog post : and wanted to try out the napari-nD-annotator.
I suspect some incompatibilities of packages but could not find anything wrong.
I hope you could help me to investigate the issue.
Thank you in advance for your time and support,


**Describe the bug**
I followed the instructions from the webpage:
Since I have already a napari virtual environment (devbio-napari-env), I installed the napari-nD-annotator from the terminal.
Then I typed in the instructions `napari -w napari-nD-annotator "Object List" "Annotation Toolbox"` and immediately got a 
> Runtime Error: Failed to import command at 'napari_nd_annotator:ListWidgetBB': 'numpy._DTypeMeta' object is not subscriptable
The detailed error is in this file: [2023-08-23_Bug-napari-nD-Annotator.txt](

**To Reproduce**
2 possibilities:
1- to launch napari from the terminal with the options
2- to launch napari on its own, and then select Plugins > napari-nD-annotator > (Annotation Toolbox ) or (Slice Interpolator) or (Object List) 

**Expected behavior**
I expected the napari graphical interface to launch with the plugin one of the 3 tools from napari-nD-annotator appearing.

**napari info**
napari: 0.4.17
Platform: Windows-10-10.0.19045-SP0
Python: 3.9.16 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Feb 1 2023, 21:28:38) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)]
Qt: 5.15.6
PyQt5: 5.15.7
NumPy: 1.21.6
SciPy: 1.10.1
Dask: 2023.5.1
VisPy: 0.11.0
magicgui: 0.7.2
superqt: unknown
in-n-out: 0.1.7
app-model: 0.1.4
npe2: 0.7.0

- GL version: 4.6.0 - Build

- screen 1: resolution 1920x1080, scale 2.0
- screen 2: resolution 1920x1200, scale 1.0

**Other packages**
See the file [2023-08-23_requirements.txt](, to get the list of all other packages

Hey @marbre2,
thanks for the bug report! It seems that this is not related to this plugin, but opencv-python, see the issue here: opencv/opencv#23822. They seem to have fixed this issue in the newest version, so try to update the opencv-python package in your virtual environment.

Thank you @bauerdavid for your quick reply and for pointing to me this opencv issue.
I used the trick mentionned in opencv/opencv#23822 (comment) : manually editing the /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cv2/typing/ file by adding simple quote in several places.
It seems to quite simply solve my issue!