
Send counter does not behave probably

Closed this issue · 8 comments

The send counter goes up even when I do not actually send an email. Here is the scenario that the bug appears:

Given that I am on the campaign manager page
And I click Send Now to a friend
Then I am on the track view
And I follow "Back to previous page"
Then I see the send counter goes up

there is no easy way to know if a user send the email, it just an estimation..

The email should be sent right when the user clicks the button -- thats the entire point of filling out the template

There shouldn't just be a mailto link -- look into sending email from heroku ( and do it for this iteration

Mailto is so that the email comes from the user, instead of something@oneprosper . After all, the point of this was to make the requests more personal and "social", rather than another email-blasting machine.

The current implementation requires the volunteers to be truly patient and dedicated. However, the email will be more personal, increasing the chance the friend will click and watch the video. There is a trade off here.
Back to the issue, is there a way to make clicking "Send to" on the track view increment the counter?

Second question: do we need a send counter?
Chances are, if you're sending a donation request more than once with the same content, it's overly pushy and spammy...
It might be useful to just have a sent indicator, so you know who you've already mailed.

Or perhaps "sent on" indicator

Agree with Richard. Since we are checking whether the friend clicks on the confirm link and watch the video, we dont need the counter. The campaign manager just looks at the confirmed status and decides to send the email again.

"sent on" or remove it ? you want to change it or me? ---- pending for response---- if no one reply, then I will just do "Last sent on"