Artifact: MPEG-2 truncation(?) vertical streaking/smearing
Closed this issue · 3 comments
I have an artifact I've seen in the wild a few times, and somewhat reliably from my own capture setup, where an MPEG-2 frame gets vertically smeared. I assume this is due to truncated data (the capture setup where I see it most often is an HDHomeRun Prime, which lets you record an MPEG-2 TS from cable by giving it a duration - I think sometimes the duration doesn't line up exactly with an MPEG-2 frame, resulting in this error. Unfortunately I don't keep all the original TS files so I don't have a raw TS to verify this).
Some examples:
That theory makes sense to me, or the live encoding trying to keep up with the time and skipping to the next frame prematurely, but repeating the last line.
I will open this up as a ✨ NEW ARTIFACT ✨ , thank you very much! Maybe more people will have more details.
Interesting - have we only seen this related to MPEG-2?
There's a similar-looking video clog artifact for a Umatic tape that I was always wondering was really a TBC error (looks a little digity)