
Instagram (also called IG or Insta) is a photo and video sharing application that allows users to take photos, take videos, apply digital filters and share them to various social networking services, including Instagram's own.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


GetfolRequirementsInstallationTools MenudonateWarningInformasiLicense

Getfol (Instagram Tools)

Instagram (also called IG or Insta) is a photo and video sharing application that allows users to take photos, take videos, apply digital filters and share them to various social networking services, including Instagram's own.

Build License



For Termux

pkg upgrade && pkg update
pkg install git
pkg install nodejs-lts
git clone https://github.com/bayfrs/Getfol.git
cd Getfol
npm i
node index.js

Tutorial on PC/LAPTOP [OS]

Download & Install Git for Windows (32/64bit)
Download & Install NodeJs for Windows (Recommend Use NodeJS LTS (32/64bit))
Download File Getfol (https://s.id/2yGC6) & Extract the file
Right Click (Mouse/Touchpad) In "Getfol-master" Folder & Choose Git Bash Here!
npm i
node index.js

Tools Menu

➥ Bot Like Timeline
➥ Bot Like Target User
➥ Mass Delete Post/Photo
➥ F-L -> Followers Target [NEW]
➥ L-C -> Followers Target [NEW]
➥ F-L-C -> Followers Target
➥ F-L-C -> Followers Target [BETA]
➥ F-L-C -> Followers Target v2
➥ F-L-DM -> Followers Target
➥ F-L-DM -> Followers Target [BETA]
➥ F-L-C -> Hashtag Target
➥ F-L-C -> Location Target
➥ Unfollow All Following
➥ Unfollow Not Followback

🛈 F-L = Follow & Like
🛈 F-L-C = Follow, Like & Comment
🛈 F-L-DM = Follow, Like & Direct Message



Use tools at your own risk Use this Tool for personal use, not for sale I am not responsible for your account using this tool Make sure your account has been verified (Email & Telp)


https://github.com/dilame/instagram-private-api Thank you for the help of all members SGB TEAM REBORN (https://www.sgb.or.id/)


This project is licensed under MIT License. https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT