
Rules use entire Android SDK dir as input instead of explicit files which may case poor cache hit

Opened this issue · 1 comments

This is not super common but we've noticed that if someone has extra files in their androidsdk/build-tools/34.0.0/lib/* they will be used an input files to an action which will cause a cache miss and therefore a local rebuild.

Example of unwanted input because a rogue dx.jar file was present :

     "path": "bazel-out/arm64-v8a-fastbuild-android-ST-5084ec102eb5/bin/external/androidsdk/aapt2_binary.runfiles/__main__/external/androidsdk/build-tools/34.0.0/lib/dx.jar",
      "digest": {
        "hash": "5f37023cdab507f4f2ece1c80dabd056254e30cc9f4aef39dd84c4e0a0031615",
        "sizeBytes": "1038021",
        "hashFunctionName": "SHA-256"
      "isTool": false,
      "symlinkTargetPath": ""
    }, {


      "path": "bazel-out/arm64-v8a-fastbuild-android-ST-5084ec102eb5/bin/external/androidsdk/aapt2_binary.runfiles/androidsdk/build-tools/34.0.0/lib/dx.jar",
      "digest": {
        "hash": "5f37023cdab507f4f2ece1c80dabd056254e30cc9f4aef39dd84c4e0a0031615",
        "sizeBytes": "1038021",
        "hashFunctionName": "SHA-256"
      "isTool": false,
      "symlinkTargetPath": ""
    }, {

This is from the glob here:

"build-tools/%s/lib/**" % build_tools_directory,

This is all very imprecise:
I don't think any of those tools (aapt2 etc) need anything in lib because lib just had d8.jar and apksigner.jar