
Incomplete implementation of android dynamic features

oliviernotteghem opened this issue · 5 comments

We're migrating our Android codebase to Bazel, and are using android dynamic features module containing resources, assets and bytecode.

However, bytecode in dynamic feature is not supported at the moment. See comment : the android_library contained in this split. Must only contain assets.

It's unclear if android resources are supported either.

We currently only support assets and native libraries. Bytecode and resources are not supported.

@timpeut : any plans to supporting these anytime soon? I don't see this item on rules_android roadmap..

And, just out of curiosity, what is the rationale for providing an impl that supports only native libs and assets?

There are no current plans to add support. We decided that native libs and assets provided a good balance of implementation complexity and potential size savings (especially as apps are looking to incorporate ML models etc which can be large). Proper support for bytecode is more complex and isn't something we've needed to prioritize.

Alright, we need resources + bytecode support in dynamic feature and are possibly opened to build it. Who would be a good contact to provide guidance how to build it?