
Influxdb 3.0 support

ronaldn1969 opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi Ricardo

Still using your awesome project with influxdb 1.8 because I didn't get a hand on flux. Now I read that Influxdb 3 community will come around the corner and will use again InfluxQL instead of Flux.

Could I ask you, if it is possible, also to implement the v3 support, when influxdb community is available...? ;o)


Hi @ronaldn1969,

excellant question. I read about the InfluxDB 3.0 a while ago and I was not pleased about their announcement.
Then they revealed the 'plan' in September and this also doesn't provide much confidence that with 3.0 it will stay this way.

From what it sounds like, you should be able to use influx community version 3.0 with the current fritzinfluxdb version, just need to use the InfluxDB 1 options to communicate with Influx. Have not tried it out.

So currently I would just wait it out a bit more and see what happens. And then I would have to adopt the dashboards to whatever is supported by Grafana 😢.

What do you think?