
linkuptime contains IP and DSL uptime

Closed this issue · 5 comments

With a FritzBox 7950 (OS 7.29) as a data source I noticed that the field "linkuptime" contains increasing values both for IP and DSL in my InfluxDB2

Screenshot from the raw table from Grafana:

The large integers are the DSL uptime the smaller ones the Internet uptime since the last IP address change. They are not alternating, and sometimes there are multiple IP or DSL uptimes in the table before the other shows up again.

These two uptimes should be in two different fields and not randomly written to the same.

Looked at the code. Three times "linkuptime" in

One for WANIPConn, WANPPPConnection and WANIPConnection each. I played a bit with renaming them and they clearly show different values. Fixed it for my locally, might do a PR.

Hi, thank you for this issue.

Indeed this is not correct. I will have a look how to fix properly.

I made the following fix locally here: TwentyWasHere@20da539

Thank you for the change

in current next-release