
What license is this released under?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hopefully it's under the MIT or GPL or something open source.

That said, it isn't in the README and there is no LICENCE file.

Are you asking about the code used to generate the documentation (this project) or the documentation itself which can be found here:

The documentation itself "is published under the Open Government Licence," as stated at the bottom of every page.

The code to generate the documentation is mostly eleventy and md which is hacked together with some scripts wot we wrote. I would be surprised if anyone was interested in reusing the code used to generate the docs. It is not licensed but if that's what you're interested in let me know and I'll see what we can do to make it MIT or Apache (the two licenses I've seen used for code at the BBC).

Also, and I can't emphasize this enough -- it is literally stated on every page of the documentation, the example code we use in the documentation is for illustration purposes only: it is not a library. We optimised those code snippets for clarity in order to best communicate specific concepts, it is left to the reader to integrate those concepts into their own framework. We don't claim copyright over any concepts illustrated in the demos of course. And hopefully you aren't asking about reuse of the demonstration code for any purpose other than as documentation, in which case the same Open Government Licence would apply.

Right.. I was expecting it to be here

I just wasn't looking in the right place.

My main goal was to make sure I could add it here

Just want to point folks to some best practices out there. BBC has initiated so many in the accessibility space.

That would be great. I'll add a pointer to the documentation license to the generator README.